Project Manager/Software Engineer

Tel: (604) 512-0629


I'm a full stack web developer who specializes in Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, React.js, Node.js, HTML5 and CSS3 just to name a few.

I graduated from the CodeCore Bootcamp, an intensive, full-time 12-week course teaching full-stack web development. Supported by a business background, I enjoy building applications which help both consumers and companies. I'm currently employed with The Artona Group Inc. working on the next generation photo studio e-commerce platform with cutting edge UI design/interface and state of the art database. I'm always welcome to new and exciting development opportunities.


All source code can be found in my github profile.

Savvy Saver

Savvy Saver is a personal finance app that helps users to de-mystify their personal financial data while having user interactive elements and a custom-built mortgage calculator tailored for the user’s own personal financial data. Built using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, Google Map API, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Bootstrap, Amazon Web Services S3 and GitHub for version control.

Student Profiles

Student Profiles is a centralized hub that allows convenient access for potential employers to conveniently access CodeCore students/alumni work. Developed over a weekend, this project used Agile methodology based team collaboration. Purposeful features such as Ajax search, profile picture cropping and infinite scrolling, coupled with an intuitive front-end design resulted in this being the winning app of the cohort. Built using Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, Ajax, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, PostgreSQL and GitHub for version control.

Project Management Tool

This is a project management tool used as a sandbox to practice the implementation of several features including search, pagination, comments, favourites, and admin page. Built using Ruby on Rails, various Ruby gems, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Amazon Web Services S3 and GitHub for version control.

Code Snippets

Code Snippets is a super useful tool for the storage of important code snippets for future reference. Helpful for building different components of an application. Build using Ruby on Rails, various Ruby gems, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS and GitHub for version control.


Front-End Technologies
Server Side Technologies
Cloud Application Platforms & Tools